Docker 更新服务条款,被列入美国“实体名单”的国家、企业、个人禁止使用其服务
2020年08月17日 09:59:04 · 本文共 2,211 字阅读时间约 8分钟 · 7,731 次浏览

根据《Docker Terms of Service》最新的服务条款,在1.2中有如下描述:
You may not use the Service if you are a person barred from using the Service under the laws of the United States or other countries, including the country in which you are resident or from which you use the Service, or international laws or treaties. You may not use the Service if you are or represent an entity that is listed on any U.S. Government Denied Party/Person List.
20.8 You understand that the Service is subject to United States export controls administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the United States Department of Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control. You acknowledge and agrees that the Service and any User Content or Third Party Content accessed by you shall not be used, transferred or otherwise exported or re-exported to countries as to which the United States, maintains an embargo (collectively, "Embargoed Countries"), or to or by a national or resident thereof, or any person or entity on the U.S. Department of Treasury's List of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerce's Entity List, Denied Persons List, or Unverified List, or the U.S. Department of State’s Nonproliferation Sanctions list (collectively, "Designated Nationals"). The lists of Embargoed Countries and Designated Nationals are subject to change without notice. By using the Service, including without limitation by uploading or accessing any User Content or Third Party Content, you represent and warrant that you are not located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of an Embargoed Country or Designated National. You agree to comply strictly with all U.S. export laws and assume sole responsibility for obtaining United States government export licenses to export or re-export as may be required. You will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Docker and its suppliers and licensors from and against any violation of such laws or regulations by you or any of your agents, officers, directors or employees.
20.8 您了解,该服务受美国商务部和美国财政部外国资产控制办公室管理的美国出口管制的约束。您承认并同意,不得将本服务以及您访问的任何用户内容或第三方内容使用,转让或以其他方式出口或再出口到美国维持禁运的国家(统称为“ 禁运国家 ”) ),或由其国民或居民或由美国财政部特别指定国民名单或美国商务部的实体名单,被拒绝人士名单或未核实名单,或美国财政部的任何个人或实体所致州的不扩散制裁清单(统称,指定国民 ”)。禁运国家和指定国民的列表如有更改,恕不另行通知。通过使用服务(包括但不限于通过上传或访问任何用户内容或第三方内容),您表示并保证自己不位于在禁运国家或指定国民的控制之下,其国民或居民的控制下,您同意严格遵守美国的所有出口法律,并独自承担获得美国政府可能需要的出口或再出口许可证的责任。 。对于您或您的任何代理人,管理人员,董事或雇员的任何违反此类法律或法规的行为,您将为Docker及其供应商和许可方提供辩护,赔偿并使其免受损害。
目前中国 IT 公司被列入贸易管制“实体名单”的企业包括:华为、商汤、依图、旷视、海康威视、大华、科大讯飞、美亚柏科、颐信科技、奇虎360、烽火科技集团、东方网力、达闼科技、云从科技、中科曙光、海光等。
版权声明:本文为博主「任霏」原创文章,遵循 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。

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